Best Kayak Carts, Wheels, and Trolleys

We love kayaking, but carrying the kayaks can take time and effort. Kayaks are heavy and tough to move more than a few steps. Getting your Best Kayak Carts from your car or home to the water is often harder than learning to kayak! It’s especially tough if you kayak alone or with a child.

Best Kayak Carts

I can barely drag my big 16-foot kayak up the boat ramp, let alone carry it a short way to my house. I’m probably one of many who struggle with this! That’s why we looked at and reviewed the best kayak carts you can buy. If you want more tips on choosing one, check out our buying guide.


Best Kayak Carts

Pick a cart with a sturdy frame and big wheels – that will make it easier to move your kayak over different surfaces. Attach the cart near the middle of your kayak’s hull using the adjustable straps. Tighten the straps so the kayak is held securely. Make sure the kayak is balanced front-to-back. Gently shake it to test its stability.

Once loaded, grab the cart’s handle and start pulling. Watch out for bumps or holes, and make adjustments as you go. Unloading is easy – reverse the process. Untie the straps with the kayak still balanced on the cart. Then lift the kayak off.

With the right cart and careful loading, transporting your kayak can be simple. Just focus on stability and watch the terrain as you pull it along. The right cart makes kayak transport much smoother!

TYPES OF Best Kayak Carts

All Best Kayak Carts do the same thing they help you move your kayak easily. But over time, these carts have been improved and adjusted to do specific things better. Here are some common types of Best Kayak Carts you can get.


Platform carts are the most common kind of Best Kayak Carts. You can put them anywhere on the kayak, and use straps that you can change to hold the boat tight and make it easy to move.

If you have to go far to the water, a platform cart is a good option. 

We think you should save energy for paddling, not for getting there! That’s why platform carts are great. They take all of the weight (if you balance them right), and you only have to pull and steer them.


Taildragger carts are named because they attach to the back (tail) end of your kayak. The wheels go under the kayak’s stern. You still have to lift the front of the kayak yourself when using a taildragger. So these carts are best for shorter distances.

The main benefit of taildragger carts is they are usually the most affordable option. Since they only support one end of your kayak, you still carry most of the weight yourself. But for small or light kayaks and short hauls, a taildragger cart can get the job done.

They are a good budget-friendly choice if you just need help rolling your kayak a short way to the water. Taildragger carts are simple and inexpensive.



A scupper cart is a type of kayak cart that only works with sit-on-top kayaks. It has a clever design that uses the holes in the kayak to hold it steady. These holes are called scupper holes and they let water drain out of the kayak.

Different kayaks have different sizes and locations of scupper holes. So, if you want to use a scupper cart, you need to make sure it can change its size to fit your kayak.


There are more choices for kayak cartwheels. You need to know what kind of ground you will go over to pick the right wheel.

Wheel Type Good things When to use? Solid No flats; strong; easy to care for Blacktop; streets; hard ground; when there are sharp things Pneumatic Not heavy; have air inside; soft on bumps Blacktop; smooth roadsIf you want to take your ocean kayaks to the water on the sand, you need a big wheel. The bigger the wheel, the easier it is to move on the sand.

Our Top 4 Best Kayak Carts

Best Overall: Suspenz DLX Airless Cart

Weight: 9 lbs, Load Capacity: 150 lbs

Suspenz DLX Airless Cart

The Suspenz DLX Airless Cart is a popular and sturdy kayak cart that is easy to set up. It has 10-inch wheels that can roll over different types of terrain. You can also swap the wheels for inflatable balloon tires (sold separately) to transport your kayak across the sand.

The cart has rubber pads that protect your kayak hull and prevent slipping. It comes with two 50-inch straps to securely tie your sit-in or sit-on-top kayak to the front and back. A handy kickstand keeps the cart steady on uneven ground when loading and unloading. 

The Suspenz DLX can hold most kayak weights and gear, though it doesn’t have the highest weight capacity. Overall, this cart makes transporting your kayak smooth and simple.


  • Sturdy frame
  • Rolls over different surfaces
  • Tires won’t get flats
  • Can change the wheels
  • Rubber pads prevent slipping
  • The kickstand keeps it standing


  • Holds less weight than other models

Best Value: RailBlaza C-Tug Kayak Cart

Weight: 10 lbs, Load Capacity: 260 lbs |

RailBlaza C-Tug Kayak Cart

The RailBlaza C-Tug Kayak Cart is a great choice if you want something easy to use, versatile, and affordable. This cart only weighs 10 pounds, so it’s light enough to carry inside your kayak. It also folds up small so you can store it in a hatch or space on your kayak deck. But even though it’s lightweight, it can safely pull your kayak, paddle, and other gear with no problem.

The wheels are made from plastic and steel so they are tough and won’t rust, even in saltwater. This cart works with most sit-in and sit-on-top kayaks. The pads that hold the kayak can adjust to fit different shapes – narrow touring kayaks or wide recreational ones. So you only need one cart, even if you get a new kayak later.

The wheels have rubber treads and are tall enough to cover curbs, bumps, etc. And since the tires are solid, you won’t get a flat. If you mainly launch from sandy beaches, you can buy separate SandTrakz wheels that are made to roll easily on sand.

The only issue is the straps may not be heavy-duty enough for a very large or tandem kayak. You might want to add an extra strap or bungee to make sure your kayak stays secured.


  • Best Kayak Carts are lightweight
  • The tires won’t get flats
  • Works with most kayak types
  • Best Kayak Carts can Folds up small
  • Has a kickstand
  • Affordable price


  • The straps may not be good enough quality

Best Budget: ABN Universal Kayak Carrier

Weight: 8 lbs, Load Capacity: 200 lbs |

ABN Universal Kayak Carrier

The ABN Universal Kayak Carrier is a budget-friendly kayak cart option. It has wide 9.5-inch tires that roll easily over various surfaces including grass, roads, gravel, and sand. The cart has foam pads to cushion the kayak hull but lacks built-in straps or adjustable pads. You’ll need to secure your kayak with the included 12-foot strap. 

Weighing only 8 lbs, the ABN cart won’t weigh you tie down when carrying it to the water. At 16 inches wide, it fits most kayak types. The wheels are removable and the frame folds flat for transport and storage, though not as compactly as other models.

While it doesn’t have all the features of more expensive options, the ABN Universal Kayak Carrier gets the job done at a lower price point. It’s a good value pick for transporting your kayak to the water and back.


  • Holds a lot of weight
  • Made to last
  • Bars can adjust
  • Tires won’t go flat
  • Easy to put stuff on


  • Won’t fit in small trunks
  • Expensive

Best Heavy-Duty Cart: Wilderness Systems 

Weight: 13 lbs, Load Capacity: 450 lbs |

Wilderness Systems 

The Wilderness Systems Heavy Duty Kayak Cart can carry very heavy kayaks up to 450 pounds. This means it works great for tandem kayaks, fishing kayaks, and all your gear.

The cart is made from aluminum that won’t rust, even in water. It has big airless tires that roll over rough ground without getting flats. 

Overall, this is one of the most versatile and durable Best Kayak Carts. The bars adjust sideways to fit different-width kayaks and hold them securely. Foam pads protect the kayak from scrapes.

The bars have two height settings. The higher setting lets you use it with deep-hull or long kayaks without scraping the ground. The lower setting is more stable.

It’s easy to load – just put one end on the cart, strap it down, and pull from the other end. You don’t have to lift the whole kayak. The big wheels might not fit inside some Best Kayak Carts hatches, but you can strap the cart to the deck when collapses.


  • Holds a lot of weight
  • Durable construction
  • Adjustable bars fit different hulls
  • Tires won’t go flat
  • Easy to load kayak


  • Best Kayak Carts has Expensive price tag
  • Won’t fit inside small hatches on some kayaks

Kayak Cart Buying Advice

Kayak Cart Buying Advice

Regardless of your choice, there are crucial factors to keep in mind when searching for the best kayak cart. Let’s break it tie down in simpler terms:

  • Wheels: Check the wheels to ensure they match the surface you’ll be using them on – some are better for bumpy ground, while others suit sandy beaches or regular roads.
  • Frame Material: The material used for the cart’s frame matters. Look for sturdy materials that are durable yet lightweight for easy handling.
  • Size & Weight: Consider the cart’s size and weight. You want it to be portable enough to transport easily but also capable of supporting your kayak adequately.
  • Adjustability: A good kayak cart should be adjustable to fit various kayak sizes and shapes securely.
  • Straps: Make sure the cart has reliable straps to secure your kayak in place while you’re moving it.
  • Additional Features: Some carts offer extra features like foldability, pneumatic tires for better shock absorption, or storage compartments. These can be helpful depending on your needs.


Kayak carts usually have either airless plastic wheels or inflatable rubber wheels. Airless wheels can’t get flat tires. Inflatable wheels give a smoother ride but can get punctures. However, many carts have removable wheels so you can switch between the two types. Use airless wheels for rough ground and inflatable for roads.

Also, bigger and wider wheels roll over obstacles better. But make sure they still fit in your kayak’s storage hatch. The best option is probably a cart with a good frame and extra sets of both airless and inflatable wheels. That way you can pick the right wheels for where you are launching your kayak.

Frame Material

The material used to make the frame of a kayak cart matters, especially if you’re planning to use it in salty or brackish water. Certain metals can easily rust in these conditions, so it’s important to pick wisely.

Materials like aluminum, stainless steel, or anodized steel are great because they’re tough, can endure knocks and scratches, and won’t rust when exposed to seawater.

Another option is ABS plastic, which also doesn’t rust or corrode. However, it’s not as strong as metal and may not be as durable, but it’s still resistant to rusting in salty environments.

Size & Weight

Make sure to pick a cart that fits the size and shape of your kayak’s hull. Compare the cart’s measurements against your kayak’s dimensions.

Also, consider how you’ll store the cart when paddling. Some carts fold flat with smaller wheels that can fit inside your kayak’s hatch. Others have bigger frames that may need to be strapped to your deck.

Look for a cart that’s durable but not too heavy. Heavier carts can carry more weight but add pounds to your kayak. A good middle ground is around 10 lbs, like the C-Tug Trolley.

The Suspenz DLX and RailBlaza C-Tug fold into a compact size for storing inside your kayak. So those are good options if you want a cart that tucks away neatly. Pick the right cart for your kayak’s size and your needs for storing and transporting the cart. A folding cart with interchangeable wheel sets gives you flexibility.


Some carts can change their shape to fit your kayak better. This way, your kayak won’t wobble too much when you move it on rough land. Some carts can tilt the pads to match the shape of your kayak’s bottom. Others can change their width to hold thin or thick kayaks.

If you have more than one kayak, you should get a cart that can change its shape. This will also help you if you want to get a different kayak in the future.


Some Best Kayak Carts have straps that you can open and close quickly, but some straps are part of the cart and some are not. Both ways have good and bad points. If you often lose things, get a cart with straps that are part of it.

But if the straps are not part of the cart, you can do more things with them. They are good if your kayak has a strange shape. You can also change the straps for stronger ones or ones that you can tighten if your kayak is very big or heavy.

Additional Features

Longer straps let you attach more gear to your cart, like your paddle, life vest, or storage crate. They’re also good if you have a wide kayak or want to carry two kayaks on one cart.

Kickstands help keep the cart stable as you get ready to launch. 

So consider getting extra-long straps if you need to carry more stuff or multiple boats. And think about adding a kickstand for hands-free stability. Those accessories can make your kayak cart even more useful and convenient.

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